Wednesday 8 June 2011

Running up the canes ("before")

Ok, we admit that it has been a while since the blog was updated.
But on the bright side, the change will be much more obvious!

I took these photos of the back wall (runner beans climbing up the canes) a few weeks ago...

You just wait until I upload the photos of where we are now: The canes are packed, we've got glorious red flowers attracting all the bees and *drum roll* we even have some runner beans forming!

How does your parsley grow?

Very well over here!

Our seeds have transformed into a proper bunch of parsley.


Friday 6 May 2011



Eyes right... for evidence that the radish seedlings are in fact growing into radishes!
Flushed with the excitement of radish discovery, I thought I'd sneak a couple more (don't dispair - they needed thinning anyway) for my breakfast. Incidentally, this plate has home made bread, home grown baby radish and from today's veg box: the first of the season's English asparagus (delicious) and the first of the lettuce too. Oh. And the egg. shop bought. blah. (Maybe we need chickens!?)

I think I've hit middle-age?

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Change Comes with a Price

Every victory comes with a price. Mine were these cuts and scratches inflicted upon me by a violent and barbaric race. Of vines.
Students of comedy will remember the Black Knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail and how he accepted a loss of a limb as "just a scratch". Sadly, this was not the case. These bloody hurt and I cursed the damn plant all night long and especially every time I rolled onto my arm. A warrior in the garden lands I am, albeit a sensitive one.

A View for Change

The Sun came out over the weekend and I didn't feel like moping around in the house any more. "Attack!" came the cry, "To Battle!", "Finish them!". My father and cousin had strong views on the matter.
This all began a few weeks ago with the spring clearing of the Mews; I hacked and toiled almost a day but it was of no use, the vines could not be defeated. The ordeal had drained my energy and it took nearly two weeks to regain it.
So I stand surveying my Kingdom with a sense of achievement that we managed to fight back these barbarian vines, but also with an uneasy feeling: that we haven't seen the last of them.

Neighbours are Green with Envy

The Radishes, Beetroot and Leaf Salad are the talk of the Mews (or at least they should be) as they continue to turn this barrel into the gardener's version of the Evil eye. This object of good fortune brings good luck and prosperity to the bearer as well as protection from evil spirits. Me, my barrel can't do that, all except for the prosperity that is. Next week I'm off to the farmers' market with the smallest radishes you've ever seen. Wonder if I'll win a prize...

Look Who's Hanging Around on the Corner...

It's Nasturtium! These little seedlings will some day explode into colour and brighten up an otherwise rather dull corner. Here's hoping the Kong will reach 4 metres so these flowers will have someone to talk to. Nasti buggers.

A Slice of Life OutBack

Since we planted out the corridor that passes as the back garden, otherwise known as the OutBack, everything has flourished. And even more so after it was named "Kingston Road - John Innes Conservation Area" (John Innes being the benchmark in gardening that gardeners aspired to). On either side of the sign we planted a Clematis, one has white striped flowers and the other purple striped, and they seem to be enjoying themselves. None more so than my latest bud-y, who really has got into his groove in partial shade.

Seek & Destroy

 To the right is one of the most amazing sights in our "garden" right now; the growing tip of a runner bean. Having exploded out of their pots inside and forced my hand to plant them out, they have well and truly rooted and now proceed their unending assault on the sky. This menacing tip is climbing fast and will hopefully, one day, end up at the dizzying heights of my mouth!

Oh You'll Never Get to Heaven...

...On this vine, but you can give it a damn good go. This solitary vine is all that is left in the Outback. Having taken it for dead when I hacked at it to clear the back wall, new life began to trickle out of it a few weeks ago and we now have these wonderful autumn red leaves. You may not be able to get to Heaven on this vine (yet) but you can certainly admire some celestial beauty just at the top of the wall.

Cutbacks Hit the Upper-Class Fat Cats

Here we see the big man, the Mews bully, the damned Buddleia! Below a lowly Palm immigrant who just can't get a break. Thankfully the Lord Emperor of the Mews State (me) hit back at this social menace by reducing its monopoly on this space. Although these cutbacks have stripped the Palm of many, if not all, of its assets, Mews experts expect it to grow back stronger than ever. Watch this space.

A la Monty Don!

All hail Monty Don, that wonderful earthy man that tells me how to grow my garden all in the comfort of my home. So as a tribute to my germination guru I have started 2 pots of Sweet Pea (sorry Monty, I don't know what variety they are). Problem is... I don't know where to plant them!

Tiny Tomatah

The new Brit sensation Tiny Tomatah has been taking the windowsill by storm. Moving up the potting charts just two days ago, this juicy fruit is tipped to be RED hot for the summer.

A lonely Courgette!

This is the only courgette to make it from the seed tray to a pot. It may be a lonely specimen but it is strong, pushing through the growing barriers quicker than a glacier. Wow that's quick! No doubt there'll be more to come.

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Voila the eager chilis sitting above the bed. Since I fed them they have taken off. I potted them up a week or so ago... Looking forward to May to get them outside and get some fruit.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Mews Garden Wildlife: The Silver Fox

The Silver Fox
By far the deadliest of all creatures lurking in the Mews. Its secret weapon: being very cute. This bushy tailed predator will charm you into submission and prey on your hospitality.
Today I left the kitchen window open and to my surprise this fearsome animal leaped through it and jumped right out from behind the sunflowers. I naturally ran away like brave Sir Robin but now I find myself trapped upstairs as the beast lies on the stairs, lulling me into a false sense of security.
WARNING: if you find this animal in your home, be prepared, it may want a scratch behind its ears. The horror!
Note: No photographers were harmed during the making of this post, although one was seriously charmed.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Rise of the Red Sun

All of you faithful followers will know that the Mews Garden started, really, with a few Sunflowers. The Red Sun is probably my favourite due to its amazing deep red flower it gets (hence the name...) so I decided to give it pride of place alongside my next favourite variety: the Kong.

This beautiful plant can grow up to 4 metres tall - who says size doesn't matter.
So a beautiful evening sun flanked by the biggest in prime sun-trap position.

New Additions

I just couldn't resist sowing some more salads with the warm weather the Mews has been having especially as we had two more barrel pots to fill! On one side the Cos Lettuce, the "little gem" variety (under the protection of the Black Mesh security system of course) and on the right a Leaf Salad. I was desperate to get the French Mix in to have a little taste of my second home at home.

Flowers - Linaria "The Baby Snapdragon"

Everyone needs a bit of colour in their garden so here are two of the flowers we have decided to grow. Linaria and Nasturtium. This variety of Linaria is called "the Baby Snapdragon" and I can't wait for the flowers to blossom. The second, Nasturtium, has the wonderful name of "Dayglow Mix" and is planted in one of our newly fitted (check me out - Mr DIY) hanging baskets (I should add that I've mixed in some of the water-retaining gel crystals in the hanging baskets, as well as some of the other newly planted pots, and they're really cool - they look like salt rocks in the tub but expose them to water and they grow. Wow. Amazing stuff. Here's hoping they work and the flowers actually flower!!!)I will keep you avid readers and followers updated.

Cut-Backs Hit the Mews

Thankfully though these cut-backs were actually necessary and were warmly welcomed by our neighbours who can now enjoy more of the evening sun.
What should have been a simple job clearing vines and other plants that had strayed over the Mews' wall turned out to be a logistical nightmare. The top picture shows the extent of the growth of the vines which had been left to their own devices. They had twisted themselves around the trellis resulting in an image that would not be out of place in an Enchanted Forest.
A hard days work deserving of a beer and the football. (In the bottom picture on the left-hand side you can see a green garden waste bag. It's huge itself but is only big enough to hold 1/5 of the entire cuttings.

Spring has Sprung

We now move into what is fast becoming my favourite time of year as our first barrel of veg starts to show the wondrous signs of growth. (My skills with a camera are limited so forgive me!) I think you can make out the little Leaf Salad lollipop and the other shows the Radishes bursting through. We may yet eat this year!

Monday 28 March 2011

Mews Garden's First Radish

Bottom: Two seedlings rear their little heads. Top: Right in the middle two more try to push through the crack.
VERY exciting stuff.

I Think I've Gone Potty

For you H. Saw these and thought of you.
A reliable source tells me that Blueberry bushes like to grow in pairs, or at least it is useful for the cross-pollination. So the Red pot now has a Blueberry 'Bonus' in it.
The middle pot was a spontaneous decision and will, by the time H gets back, hold a surprise she will love.

Battle of the Mews: Rise of the Black Mesh

After a week of Stealth operations from the Cats, I decided it was time to get serious. After the Night Ninjas overcame the obstacles of the Fearsome Cayenne Pepper Pit and the Slicing Citrus Fruits (apparently 2 of the best ways to deter cats) I displayed a clear show of force of my dominance in these parts.
None of our Felines Foes will be getting into our trenches again. Or have I spoken too soon...?

Cats Sabotage the Front Runner

Plan A: There are 11 Runner Beans planted at the base of the canes against the back wall. With the sunshine this wall gets we're hoping for a winner! If only there was a way to stop those pesky cats digging up our beds...

Running with Plan B

The hopeful Mews Garden Caretaker looks on as Runner Beans are germinating below the surface. However this is plan B...

John Innes Conservation Area

The view from the lounge. What a lovely place the Kingston Road is 'Out Back'. Hope you like it H.

Signs of Change

There are definite signs of change 'Out Back' as we open the John Innes Conservation area. Fingers crossed the two Clematis flower this year!

Sunday 27 March 2011

'Out back'

We've even got a few plants selected for trial 'out back'. Jason's in charge of putting them in place... If they fail, I'm just going to let mint take it all over and drink Mojitos all Summer long! 

(Otherwise, I quite like the weird abstract tree we've got going on in the back corner.)

New growth.

It is definitely turning into spring, these flowers are not far off... 

And these chilli seedlings were left over after the strongest ones were potted up. Seemed fair to give them a go! 

Geared up for Spring!

As left the day that I went to Sydney...

Thursday 10 March 2011


The Sunflowers are all coming up now. These 3 are happy on the kitchen windowsill and there are a few more on way upstairs. The 'colour' sunflower in the middle looks like it might turn out to be very pretty indeed. A little impatient to see them flower! They've got a bit of growing to do yet...

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Dill & Basil!

A beautiful sunny morning and some presents from the herb propagator. 3 Dill and 5 Basil seedlings have come up! Looks like we're getting our first mint too... and Jason's very excited because 3 more of the sunflowers have appeared. Excellent start to the day! Happy Tuesday everyone!

Monday 7 March 2011

Chilli Seedlings

26/30 Chilli Pepper Seedlings have popped up so far! It's all very exciting. It's almost be time to transfer them to bigger pots...