Tuesday 29 March 2011

Cut-Backs Hit the Mews

Thankfully though these cut-backs were actually necessary and were warmly welcomed by our neighbours who can now enjoy more of the evening sun.
What should have been a simple job clearing vines and other plants that had strayed over the Mews' wall turned out to be a logistical nightmare. The top picture shows the extent of the growth of the vines which had been left to their own devices. They had twisted themselves around the trellis resulting in an image that would not be out of place in an Enchanted Forest.
A hard days work deserving of a beer and the football. (In the bottom picture on the left-hand side you can see a green garden waste bag. It's huge itself but is only big enough to hold 1/5 of the entire cuttings.

1 comment:

  1. Blimey! What a task. I bet Julie is pleased indeed.
