Wednesday 8 June 2011

Running up the canes ("before")

Ok, we admit that it has been a while since the blog was updated.
But on the bright side, the change will be much more obvious!

I took these photos of the back wall (runner beans climbing up the canes) a few weeks ago...

You just wait until I upload the photos of where we are now: The canes are packed, we've got glorious red flowers attracting all the bees and *drum roll* we even have some runner beans forming!

How does your parsley grow?

Very well over here!

Our seeds have transformed into a proper bunch of parsley.


Friday 6 May 2011



Eyes right... for evidence that the radish seedlings are in fact growing into radishes!
Flushed with the excitement of radish discovery, I thought I'd sneak a couple more (don't dispair - they needed thinning anyway) for my breakfast. Incidentally, this plate has home made bread, home grown baby radish and from today's veg box: the first of the season's English asparagus (delicious) and the first of the lettuce too. Oh. And the egg. shop bought. blah. (Maybe we need chickens!?)

I think I've hit middle-age?

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Change Comes with a Price

Every victory comes with a price. Mine were these cuts and scratches inflicted upon me by a violent and barbaric race. Of vines.
Students of comedy will remember the Black Knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail and how he accepted a loss of a limb as "just a scratch". Sadly, this was not the case. These bloody hurt and I cursed the damn plant all night long and especially every time I rolled onto my arm. A warrior in the garden lands I am, albeit a sensitive one.

A View for Change

The Sun came out over the weekend and I didn't feel like moping around in the house any more. "Attack!" came the cry, "To Battle!", "Finish them!". My father and cousin had strong views on the matter.
This all began a few weeks ago with the spring clearing of the Mews; I hacked and toiled almost a day but it was of no use, the vines could not be defeated. The ordeal had drained my energy and it took nearly two weeks to regain it.
So I stand surveying my Kingdom with a sense of achievement that we managed to fight back these barbarian vines, but also with an uneasy feeling: that we haven't seen the last of them.

Neighbours are Green with Envy

The Radishes, Beetroot and Leaf Salad are the talk of the Mews (or at least they should be) as they continue to turn this barrel into the gardener's version of the Evil eye. This object of good fortune brings good luck and prosperity to the bearer as well as protection from evil spirits. Me, my barrel can't do that, all except for the prosperity that is. Next week I'm off to the farmers' market with the smallest radishes you've ever seen. Wonder if I'll win a prize...

Look Who's Hanging Around on the Corner...

It's Nasturtium! These little seedlings will some day explode into colour and brighten up an otherwise rather dull corner. Here's hoping the Kong will reach 4 metres so these flowers will have someone to talk to. Nasti buggers.